July 2019 Minutes
A meeting of East Keal Parish Council Meeting was held on 31.7.2019 at Cracroft Village Hall, Boston Road, West Keal at 7pm.
Welcome. Cllr Grahame Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Public Forum. There were no items for discussion.
Present. Cllr Smith, Cllr Thornley, Cllr Dromey, Cllr White, Cllr Aran, Cllr Swanson, Clerk to the Council, Mrs E Martin and three members of the public.
1. Apologies for Absence. These were received from Cllr Kemp. All accepted the reason given. Also, Mr D Dines sent his apologies.
2. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 29.5.19 to be approved as the minutes. It was resolved that the notes be accepted as minutes of the meeting. All agreed and the minutes were then signed.
3. Declaration of Interest (if any) None given.
4. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:
b) District Councillor.
i. Independent Rep for Audit and Governance Committee is being sought. Details in ELDC Messenger.
ii. The Messenger Copies of this are delivered by e-mail and you need to sign up for these online.
iii. Annual Enquiry Form due out shortly. This must be completed if you wish to be on the Electoral Role.
iv. Results of public voting for best market trader. The award went to Tasty Foods of Horncastle and Louth.
v. Dumping of dead chickens. ELDC is investigating the dumping of dead chickens in the layby, on the A16 near Spilsby.
vi. Prosecution for Fly tipping. An Alford couple have recently been prosecuted and fined over £1,000 for fly tipping near Huttoft.
a) County Councillor
i. County News. This has recently been delivered to all homes in the County.
ii. Emergency Services. The Fire, Ambulance and Police service call centre will shortly all be under one roof. In addition, the Fire Service will be getting 33 new Fire Engines in the next three years. It was agreed that item 6 be brought forward to allow residents to share information and then leave.
5 a) Planning PL/0040/19 Change regarding design on digester tanks. No objection submitted by Council 1.7.19.
b) Planning S/045/01807/13 no objections submitted by Council.
c) Planning S/045/01136/19. Mr Heaton explained his long-term aim for his grade 2 listed buildings and why he felt there was a need for these changes in the planning application. By not using the lime this would ensuring a stronger material was used to avoid any future problems. The overall look would be the same. In respect of the flooring. As this part of the property will be used by visitors who have injuries or have had recent surgery he wanted an even floor surface to ensure there was no risk of any falls. The Council agreed that they were happy to submit a no objections response.
4 c) Neighbourhood Watch. All information received has been circulated.
d) Village Hall Committee. A new cleaner has been employed. First Aid. Some expiry dates have been identified in respect of the defibrillator and these will be addressed immediately. Treasurer. A new treasurer is still needed. In the meantime the job is to be shared between members. 20395 Redecorating. Quotes have been received and it has been agreed that the exterior work will be done later this year. Use of venue. It is hoped more groups can be encouraged to hire the venue to increase revenue. Petanque. This group has now ceased but the equipment is available for use if residents wish.
e) Village Groups
i. PCC The tower and interior of the Church has now been made safe. The next fund raiser is a 40’s dance on 6.9.19 at Toynton Village Hall. Tickets from Maralyn or Val
ii. WI. The Keals WI, the book club and craft group continue to meet. Members enjoy the various activities which are on offer, both from within our local group and from other WI groups. The July meeting was Stephen Brown, a driving instructor, whose talk was entitled ‘L on Wheels.’ He gave an interesting and humorous presentation. We were informed of the changes to the current driving and theory test as well as listening to some amusing anecdotes from his pupils during the course of their driving lessons. The WI continue to provided refreshments for the some of the Open Gardens days in the village. The next being at The Old Rectory, East Keal on Saturday 24 August and Thursday 29 August. As always, anyone interested in joining would be most welcome. Details on their website at info@the kealswi.org
iii. Gardening Club No report
iv. Workforce A written report was read to the meeting. Mr Dines stated that due to ill health Mr Alan Buckley has taken over the workforce for the moment. The village tubs are looking colourful at the moment and the remaining sunflowers are due to be planted out this weekend. It is hoped that the banks and edging on the A16 and the bottom of Church Lane will be flailed in the next couple of weeks. Thanks were expressed to members of the workforce for all they do around the village.
Issues identified by Councillors.
1. Bench on the switchback with map in it, urgently needs strimming around it.
2. On the switchback, Shaw memorial bench urgently needs a) tree branches cut back b) strimming around it. c) repainting in navy blue before Autumn
2. Bench on the A16 opposite Motley's needs before Autumn a) wood preserved b) arms painted black.
3. On the green, bench needs painting navy blue before Winter.
4. On the A16 at 'the view', bench needs painting navy blue before Winter Church lane foot path by horses, bench needs repainting - this can wait until 2020.
5. On the A16, outside Mr Sweeney's property needs repainting in navy blue - this can wait until 2020.
6. Bench outside war memorial, wood preserved during 2020. The council have allocated a maximum of £70 to cover costs on work required in 2019 to include all paint purchased, wood preserve, paint brushes and two new wire brushes.
v. Newsletter This has recently been circulated around the village. 5. Hall Corner Accident and a request from residents for speed reduction signs. After the recent accident Cllr Aron reported that he had visited the residents who asked if there could be greater speed reductions on the bend. Sadly, LCC do not have surplus funding but Cllr Aron felt there might be the possibility for some low-cost improvements such as extra lines but an extra barrier is not feasible. The cost of speed reduction flashing lights is too expensive for the Parish Council but if other funding could be found this could be discussed again. Cllr Smith reported that accidents have always occurred on this bend and shared photos of accidents going back to 1960!
7. Finance:
a) Payment of £17.50 to Cracroft Village Hall for 31.7.19.
b) Reimbursement of £7.32 to E Martin for stamps.
c) Agreeing Data Protection fee as a Direct Debit of £35.00. 20396
d) Reimbursement of £32.00 L Kemp re travel.
e) Payment to LALC of £18.00 for attendance at Networking Day.
f) ELDC Invoice of £48.50 for election expenses. The above expenditure was agreed by all present.
g) Financial Report as at 24 th July 2019 and bank reconciliation statement. All accepted the reports circulated.
8. Meet Councillors Event 30.6.19 and proposal for an annual event. 54 residents attended this event. The ‘Elvis’ van offered drinks and Cllr Smith thanked all those who donated the cakes, games and music. It was agreed that a similar event be held next year on 20.6.20. One improvement could be to encourage those who attend to wear a name badge.
9. Safety at War Memorial and arrangements for Remembrance service 2019. The large number attending the event last year caused concern regarding safety. It was felt that not so many folk will attend this year and they should be encouraged to stand within the confines of the railings. (Seating could be available on the pavement for those who needed to sit). In addition, it was felt that the PA system did not enhance the service so it was agreed not to hire it this year. All agreed.
10. Democracy and Citizenship policy documents for updating. Cllr Smith offered to do this.
11. Updating of Risk Management Checklist, Checklist Guidelines and Risk Management Policy, circulated prior to meeting. It was agreed to amend the wording slightly and stress that benches are checked in March and September of each year. This will then be brought to the September meeting for signing.
12. Re-valuation of land owned by East Keal Parish Council. It was agreed that the land did need to be revalued and Cllr Smith offered to bring costing to the next meeting.
13. Programme for maintenance and upkeep of benches. Some of the benches need repainting/varnishing. Costing have been agreed with Mr Dines and the Council allocated £70 as a maximum. In addition, some strimming needs to be done around the seats and it was hoped that the workforce would do this.
14. Proposal for a disabled bay outside shop. This was discussed but the Council felt that although it is a good idea it would be impossible to ‘police’ it and therefore would not be of any benefit.
15. Creation of a parish council Facebook page. Cllr Dromey shared draft ideas with the meeting. It was agreed that this would not be a sales forum but somewhere where village events could be advertised and local news shared. Links could be included to other sites and East Keal website.
16. A new Four-Year Plan and Questionnaire. Cllrs are to meet together to discuss the contents of a questionnaire and how to collate the results
17. Proposal for ‘mock/decorative gates’ to the village. It was stated that LCC Highways need to approve these and where they should be placed. Cllr Aron offered to forward information to Cllr Smith with some costings. There is the possibility that sponsorship might be available. If the Parish Council agreed to install these gates then long term maintenance will have to be considered. It was felt this question should be part of the questionnaire for residents to give their view.
18. Proposal to create a map of the village with house names. Concerns were expressed that this would not resolve to issues of delivery people finding the right address. Also, some residents might not wish this information to be made so public. It was agreed this question should be on the questionnaire.
19. Policy on combating loneliness in the parish. Cllr Thornley has spoken to the shop owner regarding this issue.
20. Additional dog waste bin on Fen Lane This is now installed.
21. Welcome Booklet – no new residents identified.
22. Correspondence. 20397 Circular letter from Viking Link This was also circulated to all homes in the village. A thank you letter from Church for the donation had been received. A flyer advertising the British National Ploughing Championships at Nocton on 12-13 October 2019. 23. Any other matters for discussion only or next Agenda - nothing raise.
Date of next meeting - 25.9.19.