Minutes of Meeting 15.11.2023
A meeting of East Keal Parish Council was held on 15/11/2023 at 7pm at The Keals’ Village Hall
Cllr Graham Pearson welcomed everyone to the meeting
Present: Cllr Pearson, Cllr Kemp, Cllr Goddard, District Cllr Taylor, Clerk to the Council Mrs McKinlay and 9 members of the public
Public Forum
The Internal Auditor was concerned that the audit was an agenda item. The auditor expressed unhappiness that the audit had been delayed and they had not received communication. The Chair clarified that the audit had been declined and the auditor informed that it will be passed over to the new Clerk who would be in touch when the accounts are ready to be presented again. The auditor stated it was a simple matter of adding a few items to the accounts and handing it back over. The Clerk advised Cllrs that it would be irresponsible to simply add items to accounts without checking that receipts and invoices tally. The Clerk reiterated that communication will be made once the accounts are ready to present. Concerns were raised about the terminology used when the Chair explained the previous Clerks email had to be closed due to virus and access. The Chair cleared up the confusion.
A resident raised concerns regarding the siting of the speed awareness camera on the A16 at Hall Corner and suggested relocation to the village green as it is difficult to cross the Main Road. The Chair advised that this would be discussed under item 10b.
1. To note the appointment of the new Parish Clerk.
The new Clerk Mrs Hannah McKinlay was welcomed into the role by the Chair, Cllr Pearson.
2. To receive and accept apologies.
Cllr Stickland and Cllr Wrisdale offered apologies with valid reasons. It was proposed by Cllr Goddard and seconded by Cllr Kemp and resolved that the reasons be accepted.
Apologies were received from County Cllr Gray.
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
No declarations received.
4. To approve as Minutes the notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20/09/2023.
It was proposed by Cllr Kemp and seconded by Cllr Goddard and resolved that the notes be accepted as minutes of the meeting. The minutes were then signed by EKPC Chair, Cllr Pearson.
5. Chairs Review.
Cllr Pearson gave a short review:
I would like to thank all Councillors for their hard work over the last six months. Councillors are volunteers who freely give their time to help the community of East Keal. Councillors have worked
together and some very good works have been completed as will be highlighted during this meeting.
6. To report on the Casual Vacancies for two Parish Councillors.
Residents were reminded that there is an election on Thursday 23 rd November at The Keals’ Village Hall. The four candidates are Angela Betts-Gray, Charlotte Mahoney, Terry Parslow and Anne-Marie Thornley. Residents are reminded to take photo ID with them to be able to vote.
7. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
a. County Councillor: A report has been received and circulated to Cllrs
b. District Councillor: A report will be received and circulated to Cllrs. Severe flooding has occurredin neighbouring parishes. There will be a District Council tax reduction for those who have been flooded which will be administered straight away. Cllr Taylor highlighted the need to re-assess Parish Emergency Plans to ensure they are sufficient e.g. what to do on the day, who to contact. The Chair requested sandbags in preparation. Cllrs agreed for the Clerk to look into EKPC Emergency Plan.
8. To receive the report on the Meet the Councillors and Community Groups event.
Cllr Pearson reported the event was held on Saturday 23 rd September at The Keals’ Village Hall. Residents had the opportunity to chat to Councillors and to the community groups to find out more about what they do and how to volunteer to join. Many groups declined to attend. It was attended by the Community Café, The Keals’ Events Community Group and The Friends of St Helens Church provided a display board. Feedback from the community included many residents saying the village hall is too far to travel, but a neutral local venue was preferred. EKPC will need to consider these view in the future.
During the event a person tripped on the unsecured doormat at the main entrance resulting in assistance being given and an accident report being submitted to The Keals’ Village Hall Committee. A request was made for a copy of their insurance and risk assessment to show any additional risks that EKPC should be made aware of when hiring the hall. This is to ensure EKPC are covered when hiring the hall and protecting attendees. The request was declined and a concerning email received by EKPC from a trustee of The Keals’ Village Hall Committee asking on behalf of the village halls insurers. EKPC insurers have been informed and details of the EKPC insurance made available to the person who tripped. The village hall insurance certificate is now on display in the hall. Cllr Kemp stated that EKPC hire the venue and it is expected that it is being let out as fit for purpose, fit for use and has public liability insurance. Cllr Pearson reminded Cllrs that EKPC insurers recommend EKPC complete their own Risk Assessment, this has been completed by Cllr Goddard. Cllrs present requested the Clerk to contact the village halls insurer, Allied Westminster, for clarification and future advice.
9. To discuss the EKPC Meeting venue and to approve dates of meetings for 2024.
EKPC have been in receipt of an email from The Keals’ Village Hall that requests regarding the accident report and report of mice have been deemed spurious and that EKPC can either continue to hire the hall in its current condition or leave and go elsewhere. It was stated that Cllrs had previously discussed seeking an alternative venue. Cllr Goddard suggested whether St Helens Church, East Keal would be a more suitable and accessible venue but queried the progression of renovations with reference to toilets and heating. A resident raised a concern that the heating may not be sufficient over the Winter months. The Clerk advised Cllrs that any new venue will need to be checked for accessibility, facilities, insurance and policies. Cllrs in attendance agreed to hire the hall in interim whilst the Clerk enquires about an alternative venue.
Cllr Pearson stated that EKPC are required to meet for the Annual Residents Meetings, AGM, and at least 3 other meetings per year. Cllr Pearson proposed that EKPC meet once a quarter and the Annual Residents Meeting takes place immediately before the AGM. This will reduce £60 costs in venue hire, reduce costs as it will involve less printing of documents and reduce the amount of time required by the Clerk to prepare the meetings and write minutes which can be used for other tasks. Cllr Kemp agreed reducing to four meetings as the agendas are fairly standard.
Cllr Pearson suggested EKPC meetings be held in February, May, August and November with the Annual Residents Meeting and AGM held at the May meeting. Cllr Pearson reminded Cllrs that the council can call a meeting if the need arises. This was proposed by Cllr Goddard and seconded by Cllr Kemp. The Clerk will look at the proposed meeting dates and confirm changes with Cllrs.
10. To receive updates on Village Issues.
a. Speeding and driving wrong way along one way system Fen Lane and Blacksmiths Lane.
i. Residents were reminded that this is a police matter. The only way this can be dealt with is by residents taking a video and uploading it to the Lincolnshire Police website or by ringing 101;
this must be done within 7 days. The Parish Council cannot report it as they are not a witness.
b. Donation and installation of flashing speed sign A16 Hall Corner.
i. The sign was donated by Balfour Beatty who also kindly installed it in partnership with LCC Highways. There have been several concerns raised about the siting of the sign. The Parish
Chair and Vice-Chair had a walk about with Highways prior to the installation and asked about relocating. However, this was not possible as an agreement for its siting had been agreed
previously by EKPC in 2022. To relocate it could take a year to approve. LCC will cut back the overhanging foliage, but this could not be done at the time due to demands elsewhere caused
by flooding. LCC emphasised this will need to be done by the parish in the future.
c. Water on Fen Lane, Blacksmiths Lane and School Lane.
i. LCC have rechecked the drains; they are working and several residents have been helping keep the top of the drains clear from vegetation. Anglian Water are investigating the water running
along Blacksmiths Lane; they have identified a broken pipe and will come back to continue repairs. The Highways Inspector is chasing for a date. Cllrs agreed to keep on the case. Cllr
Goddard informed that the Grit Bins are two thirds full.
d. Replacement Notice Board and Bench improvements at Fen Lane/Blacksmith’s Lane.
i. Noticeboard was donated by Balfour Beatty and installed by volunteers; thanks are expressed. The noticeboard is in use now for suitable A5 posters to be displayed by contacting the Clerk.
The bench improvements were completed on 11 th November when a solid base was laid to
support the bench and the bench secured permanently to it.
e. To Discuss Noticeboard at A16 Hall Corner which is deteriorating.
i. The noticeboard has deteriorated and needs replacement. A resident has offered to make one, donate it and install it for free; thanks were expressed. Cllrs agreed for this to be installed.
f. Update on request for a litter bin by bus stop sign Church Lane.
i. A bin has been approved for installation with a date yet to be confirmed; District Councillor Taylor will chase.
g. Hall Corner A16 road improvements
i. No date available yet for the restoration of the camber and renewal of white lines. Highways have installed drains with silt pits and will jet twice a year. Highways are due to check the pipe.
A resident expressed concern regarding the camber change, the Chair advised that this is guided by Highways and LCC have done their measurements and it is still under investigation to
propose the height. EKPC will continue to chase for a date.
h. War Memorial Garden.
i. The War Memorial garden has become significantly overgrown over the last few years. EKPC asked residents and village groups to assist with a restoration of the garden, but there were no
volunteers. A person who wishes to remain anonymous came forward and voluntarily cleared the weeds ready for this years Remembrance Service; thanks are expressed. A long term
solution is needed; if volunteers cannot be found then consideration will need to be given to paying for gardening services. A resident expressed concern regarding the mowing of verges;
the Chair advised that the verges in question belong to LCC and issues can be reported on Fix My Street.
11. To approve and adopt the following Policies (copies previously circulated)
a. Social Media/Communications Policy.
i. Cllrs agreed to amend the current Community Engagement Policy rather than create a new policy. Amendments include:
1. Cllrs agreed to continue using noticeboards, EKPC website, email and leaflets would only be available dependent on budget. Cllrs agreed to open an information only Facebook page.
2. Due to issues with emails only being sent to some Cllrs and individual Cllrs experiencing unpleasant emails it was proposed that all Communications come in via the Clerk, are then passed to all Councillors and a response sent via the Clerk on behalf of the Council. The exceptions would be in case of emergency and safety announcements. This was proposed by Cllr Goddard and seconded by Cllr Kemp.
b. Vexatious Policy.
i. The last months have been a difficult time with an unprecedented amount of complaints and concerns submitted to EKPC from a very small number of residents. Over 20 from one resident
has taken Cllrs a significant amount of time to deal with and detracted from their usual volunteer work. It also necessitated the payment of overtime to the previous Clerk. A complaints panel
was held but the complainant declined to submit evidence or attend so all complaints were dismissed. Whilst EKPC do uphold freedom of speech and the right to complain, it has been
recommended by LALC, that due to recent events, that EKPC adopt a Vexatious Policy to manage such complaints in order that Council business does not get delayed and disrupted.
Genuine complaints will still get dealt with. Cllr Kemp agreed it brings EKPC in line with other organisations and ensures complaints are dealt with consistently, fairly and reasonably. Cllr
Kemp requested a review date to be added to the policy.
1. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
c. A discussion was had as to how often policies should be reviewed. The Chair raised concerns that some policies were out of date and do not reflect LALC amendments and that this can be difficult when policies are given to Cllrs who haven’t fully understood the policies in relation to small council requirements. It is the Clerks role to look at legislation and changes to ensure the Council complies with statutory duties. It was suggested to ask the Clerk to review policies and bring to the AGM each year for review and adoption for the next 12 months. This was proposed by Cllr Goddard and seconded by Cllr Kemp.
12. To update progress on the Village Archive Boxes.
Cllr Kemp updated that it is a work in progress as contents are being itemised. It had previously been suggested to contact the resident of the property of a planning application to sign a form to confirm if they want to keep the application, destroy it or donate it. The Clerk advised Cllrs of the contents of EKPC Retention Policy. Cllrs agreed the validity of the form and process needed checking with LALC to ensure EKPC are not committing an offence before proceeding.
13. To note Planning Applications.
a. S/045/01834/23. Planning approved by ELDC for erection of a covered agricultural slurry store. SOUTH VIEW FARM, FEN LANE, EAST KEAL, SPILSBY, PE23 4AY
b. S/045/01793/23. No update at time of meeting for planning application. Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations of existing barn to create 1no. holiday let with existing outbuilding to be demolished. BARN AT GLEBE FARM, OLD BOLINGBROKE ROAD, EAST KEAL
14. Finance, administration of accounts and to approve payment of accounts:
a. Lloyds Bank Account. To remove the previous Clerk details and add the new Clerks details.
To confirm existing signatories and add new and/or remove obsolete signatories.
i. Existing Signatories: Cllr Goddard, Cllr Kemp, Cllr Pearson
ii. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
b. Santander Bank Account. To remove the previous Clerk details and add the new Clerks details. To confirm existing signatories and add new and/or remove obsolete signatories.
i. Existing Signatories: Cllr Goddard, Cllr Kemp, Cllr Pearson
ii. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
c. To discuss and agree frequency of payment of Clerks salary and registration with HMRC
i. A HR Committee was proposed, led by Cllr Kemp with Cllr Goddard and a new Cllr after election, all Cllrs agreed.
d. Hall hire 15/11/23: £20
i. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
ii. Cheque number 594 signed
e. Reimbursement to Hannah McKinlay for purchase of printer ink and printer paper costing up to £50
i. Actual cost £20.90
ii. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
iii. Cheque number 595 signed
f. Discuss and approve purchase of security software for Clerks laptop costing up to £40
i. The Parish Council laptop contained malware and viruses on the email system, Cllr Goddard stepped in quick to stop it happening. The current virus system is adequate but needs updating
regularly. There are two systems that have been compared and Cllrs agreed for an annual fee of £40 to install Bit Defender Plus. Cllr Goddard will arrange installation with the Clerk.
ii. Proposed: Cllr Pearson Seconded: Cllr Kemp
g. Invoice tenant for 2 nd payment of land rental agreement.
i. Cheque has now been received and will be paid in as soon as possible.
ii. A discrepancy was noticed between the amount on the tenancy agreement and the amount on the proposed budget, Cllrs agreed for the proposed budget to be amended.
h. To discuss 6mth Audit by independent Auditor and agree next steps
i. Chair informed Cllrs that the Audit had been declined due to incorrect starting figure and missing documents but the Clerk is looking into it
ii. The Clerk has and will be undergoing training and stated that it would be irresponsible to add figures without checking the amounts, invoices and receipts tally. Once documents are ready
the Clerk will be in touch with the Internal Auditor.
iii. The Clerk raised concerns about the recording of data and requested time to look into this
iv. The Internal Auditor raised concerns again regarding the accounts and terminology used. Cllr Kemp apologised on behalf of EKPC if the wrong terminology had been used and stated
there has been a lot of change at short notice, there may have been mistakes or wrong terminology used, but EKPC are trying to serve their parish well so concerns are noted and
requested to move on.
v. Cllrs discussed the need for accounts to be prepared for a mid-year audit and discussed giving the Clerk time to prepare the accounts or whether to use LALC for an interim audit and a light
touch audit before AGAR.
vi. Cllrs agreed for the Clerk to look at the accounts and prepare for Audit
1. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
i. Bank Reconciliation Statement and Financial Report
i. Documents provided as drafts due to reasons above
ii. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
j. Precept. To Propose an increase in the precept for 2024 onwards to pay for the cost of the three elections. Election costs currently £5200, with requirement to include plan for 4 yearly
election costs in 2027 estimated at an additional £3000.
i. Current funds cover this years predicted spending with a contingency held for emergencies or to cover the cost of a 4th election before 2027
ii. Suggestion to increase the precept to cover the cost of the 3 elections
iii. Discussion whether precept needs increasing to cover ongoing council costs and prepare for future election
iv. A member of the public asked for clarification about the occurrence and cost of elections.
The Chair informed that ELDC post a Notice for Election, if 10 residents request an election, then the Council and residents from the 166 households pay for an election, which is their
democratic right. If no one asks for an election then EKPC can co-opt which does not cost. It was asked if this information could be sent to residents to explain the increase in precept.
v. Before Cllrs can make an informed decision the Clerk was asked to find out the exact cost for elections and about the ELDC Loan and interest rate
15. Correspondence
a. Review of Local Plan for ELDC previously circulated.
i. Cllrs approve and request a response sent
b. Email of concern from resident
i. Response circulated to Cllrs who would like the Vexatious Policy to be sent as well
1. Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Kemp
16. Any other matters for discussion only or next Agenda
a. Change of public forum from beginning of the meeting to the end
17. Date of next meeting
a. Wednesday 17 th January 2024 at 7pm at The Keals’ Village Hall