Public Meeting

Monday 12th July 2021 7:00 pm
at the Keals Village Hall, Boston Road

View on the plans to build houses on the field between Manor House and Church Lane, East Keal


The hall was full with residents, over 35 people all against the planning application being granted.

The parish council response will be sent on 16th July



East Keal Parish Council

Planning Application Objection Document


Objection: Inappropriate and unsafe access


Comments: We strongly and overwhelmingly object. Such is the uproar and opposition, a public meeting was held. Of 35 residents ALL were against, as were many who could not attend.


Reasons for Objection:

1. Inappropriate and unsafe vehicle access
a) Access would be directly to the village green and community area where there is a well used bench, new noticeboard, walkers’ information board and recycling bins.

b) It is only 4.3m to this kerbed green meaning restricted turning. The side roadway is only 3.7m wide. Increased vehicle use of these will lead to increased danger to existing users and reduced safety.
c) This area is used for parking for locals and visitors to: the village shop; recycling bins; refuse lorries; postal deliveries; NHS carers for elderly living in Church Lane; services and deliveries to the single track Church Lane residents; church visitors; many and frequent walkers and cyclists.

A spot check on 10th July saw 14 cars visiting within 10 minutes.

It is a common sight of people passing on A16 to stop, visit the shop then sit on the community bench to eat ice cream.

Having a new vehicle access into this area is dangerous and disruptive.

d) This area is already tight for turning lorries and recycling refuse vehicles.
e) Church Lane has many elderly residents, mostly slow moving and with mobility issues and using wheeled assistance. As there is no footpath, they have to use the roadway to the shop and bins etc. They will be less safety if more vehicles are moving.
f) A new access would push parking vehicles further down Church lane and outside residents’ entrances.

g) Recent years have seen an increase in holiday traffic on the A16, so more are stopping and parking here.


2. The Application contains inaccuracies e.g. section on trees - Clicked NO which is wrong; precise location of access wrongly located; public footpath across the field.


3. The existence of two large sycamore trees has been ignored. These have Tree Protection Orders on them. They must remain protected along with several horse chestnuts behind the recycling bins and over part of the proposed access entrance, as well as the root protection area.

All these trees are essential in maintaining the country village vista in this area.


4. Proposals show the public footpath across the field being disrupted. It is a country walk that should not be forced over a car turning area.


5. Proposals do not comply with the Parish Plan established in 2008 where no development is wanted.


6.  Proposals do not comply with ELDC Local Plan – Core Strategy. Classed as a medium village this application is NOT for infill and is more than two dwellings.


7. Proposals could lead to a larger development on the remainder field once an access is allowed. This could change us from a medium to large village.


8. The site does have drainage and standing water issues at the northern point. We believe there has been land slippage in adjoining woodland.


9. The field is the sight of a Shrunken Medieval Village.


10. The site is frequently visited by muntjac deer; fox; badger; grass snakes; buzzards and kestrels that annually nest on a nearby building. Several other bird species, redwing and fieldfares and endangered lapwing use the field. Proposals would massively disrupt wildlife in the area.


11. The closeness of the dwellings does not fit in with the existing nature of housing in the village and along the A16.


12. East Keal already has poor access to important services; the increased population would make it worse.


13. The Parish Plan includes a desire to create a village open space or park community area. This field has been identified as one of three potential sites.