Report from Highways May 2022

This report was received by East Keal Parish Council from Highways Dept of Lincolnshire County Council in May 2022. It is regarding the response to matters and subjects raised during our public meeting called on 31st March 2022. The issue was primarily the frequent accidents occurring on the A16 in East Keal and the potential resolutions to improve safety in the village.

East Keal – Hall Corner
Highways Report Following Public Meeting held 31 March 2022

1.0 Summary of report made by Highways at the public meeting
1.1 The traffic calming measures that are already in place at the bend are as follows:

Slow markings on red patches on approach to bend.
Large enhanced bend warning sign, followed by additional warning sign with “adverse camber” plate.
Enhanced chevron signs at the bend.
Hazard marker posts in the verge.
30mph speed limit.
Advisory 20mph limit on bend.
Double white line system - crossing of the centre line is enforceable by police.
Vehicle restraint system.

1.2 A site visit was undertaken in November 2021 – present were Cllr Gray, Hannah McKensie representing the Parish Council and Kyra Nettle (Highways Manager).

1.3 The road markings were renewed in January 2022. This was agreed at the November meeting, and it was explained that the time of year and weather conditions might mean they would have a limited life. All parties agreed it was still worth doing.

1.4 A survey has been undertaken of the road alignment. There is a slight dip in the level of the road edge where Blacksmiths Lane joins, which when combined with excessive speed, a high centre of gravity for larger vehicles and possibly an unstable load, could be contributing to the issues here.
Highways are investigating scheme options to smooth out the level, with a view to assisting those few vehicles that are driving at speeds inappropriate for their load and the curve of the road to stay level and upright.
This would potentially include resurfacing the approaches to the bend, elevating the road level at the corner and realigning the side road to match.
This is a substantial scheme which we propose to fund out of highway maintenance budgets given that the low number of personal injury accidents recorded means that it is not a priority from accident prevention budgets. It’s important though that we also consider the economic impact of repeated closures on the A16 and the issues for the village with damage to the water main, footways etc.


2.0 Responses to Comments/Requests Made at Meeting:
 2.1 Request for traffic signals at the bend
I have been unable to find any precedent nationally where traffic signals have been installed purely to reduce speed at a road feature, especially on a main A road.
The installation of signals would cause queueing traffic and with that comes issues for residents such as pollution, traffic noise, breaking and accelerating.
There would be the risk of drivers running the red light so we would have to make significant alterations to narrow the road down and introduce enforcement measures – it would be an expensive scheme.
2.2 Speed roundels on speed limit entry points
These road markings will be installed. The work has been ordered.

2.3 Speed Cameras
Speed cameras, whether fixed or mobile - the Police have strict criteria to follow regarding where they are sited. This criteria is related to speed related collisions and the percentage of drivers above the speed limit.
The Police will arrange for some new speed readings to be taken.
In terms of collisions, the Police take the last 3 year data. The summarised details are as follows. These are for the full length of the road through the village:-
May 2019 – Drunk driver – single vehicle
Aug 2020 – motorcyclist at northern end excessive speed on bend
Oct 2020 – driver drifted over on bend in question and hit another, eastbound direction.
Oct 2021 – drunk driver drifted into other vehicle.
Feb 2022 – cement lorry on the bend in question. Police report says excessive speed and reference to camber.
In terms of assessing these, the incidents related to drunk driving need to be discounted as there is little that can be done to control these.
Out of the three remaining collisions, two mention speed.
So the Police will assess and take the speed readings and give us their view in due course. We should have some information in the next couple of months.

2.4 Balfour Beatty Mobile Speed Van
 We are talking with Balfour Beatty about whether the mobile speed camera van they have at the Viking Link compound on the A16 could be used in East Keal on the approach to the bend.
2.5 Reactive Sign
The Viking Link project also have a reactive sign which is being donated to Lincolnshire County Council on completion of their project. I am exploring whether we can install this in East Keal. I will advise.

2.6 Community Initiatives by Viking Link
 Viking Link also have a budget available for community projects and we are exploring whether they could install a reactive sign in East Keal as part of this.
2.7 Community Speed Watch
The Parish are able to fund their own reactive speed sign under the Community Speed Watch project. These signs display a speed message.
Please let me know if you would like further information on this.

2.8 Funding of Road Schemes
Funding for accident prevention schemes is secured through a bidding process. Priorities are determined through an assessment of collision data and currently there are other locations where the risk to safety is higher therefore an accident prevention scheme at this location will not be put forward for funding.
Funding for road maintenance is allocated based on condition survey data collated for the road network across the County, with the lengths of road in poorest condition targeted first. Exceptions can be made for local priorities, and this is the mechanism I would use to secure funding for a road scheme at the bend.

 2.9 Physical Measures
Larger Barrier: A very significant structure would be required to withstand the impact of the vehicles overturning in the manner that they are doing, at significant cost. This cost can’t be justified at this time.
Longer Safety Fencing:
It was mentioned about extending the safety fencing. Due to the gap needed for the vehicle access to the properties a second piece of fencing would be required with a gap between the two. Because it would not be one continuous length it would be ineffective at “bouncing” vehicles back onto the road, and it would not withstand a vehicle overturning, as has been seen with the existing section of fencing.
3.0 Advice
 3.1 The alterations to the road alignment are likely to give a significant improvement.
3.2 This would be best coupled with speed reduction measures, the main one that should be
pursued in my opinion is the Community Speed Watch through LRSP.
3.3 I will advise further when I have had discussions with the team at Viking Link regarding initiatives they could assist with. These measures may be implemented quickly as a temporary approach.

4.0 End Note
I understand that residents within the community have differing views as to what might be the best course of action to reduce the incidents at Hall Corner.
I welcome these views and will await direction from Cllr Gray and the Parish Council at to what they would like to pursue for their community.
I’m happy to help at all times with more information and/or site visits.

Kyra Nettle IEng FIHE Highways Manager - East