On 13th Feb EKPC are conducting a walkthrough of the village with County Councillor William Gray and a Lincolnshire Highways Inspector to view discuss progress on highways issues affecting East Keal. An update will be available at the next EKPC meeting of 6th March.

To report a Highways issue just click https://www.fixmystreet.com/  Upload a photo of the issue.  Highways will automatically keep you updated by email and will update their website with the current situation.

To report a Footpaths Issue just click https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/coast-countryside/public-rights-way/3 complete the form and add any photos and they will keep you updated.

A16 junction with Old Bollingbroke Road - Switchback.  Numerous large potholes,blocked drains, persistent flooding of the highway and footpath and mud deposits left behind. Highways have conducted a specialised CCTV survey of the surrounding drainage network and cleared drains to ascertain the problems and assess what can be done subject to funding.  Majority of the large potholes have been filled in.  Re-surfacing completely is part of an ongoing review that will involve priority needs in Lincs and available funding. A further drainage channel from the field onto the road has been reported to Highways.

Highways have updated that their drains are clear and that the landowner has a right to drain their land.  Where run off occurs Highways say their drains usually cope unless in severe weather when drainage can be overwhelmed.  In that event Highways advise drivers to avoid driving in flood water.


Fen Lane.  Various other drains and potholes noted for future works to be carried out 17th Jan 2025.  The collapse in the road resulting in the road closure has now been excavated by Highways who have now completed this part of the work.  This has included installation of additional new French drains along the edge of the highway to try and keep water off the road.  There are ongoing investigations along Fen Lane to improve the existing drainage system and to deal with any new issues subject to funding. 

8th Aug further collapse of the verge and water appearing through the tarmac in the middle of the road has been reported to Highways and Anglian Water for investigation.

This has been chased for progress several times, last chase sent on 9th Jan 2025

Further jetting of Fen Lane drains completed on 17th Jan 2025.


The blocked drain outside Braybooke Studios has been reported again on 21st to Highways and County Councillor as water and ice are again covering the road.

other drains reported


Tree branches blocked the road after snowfall on 19th Nov and were cleared by Councillors and help from residents.

Ruts in grass verges from building works will be reinstated as part of the building works once completed.

School Lane.  A gulley emptier has completed an extensive clearance of the drains.  CCTV was also used to check drains and blockages, poor connections, and roots were identified for improvements. Some of the verge was dug back to reveal drains that had been overgrown for many years.

County Councillor William Gray and EKPC Anne-Marie Thornley, Graham Pearson and Alan Goddard inspecting School Lane.

Overhanging tree has been requested to be removed by County Councillor William Gray following a report from a nearby resident of School Lane.  Tree has now been removed.

Overhanging brambles at footpath from School Lane to Church Lane reported to Footpaths Office for clearance.

Blacksmiths Lane.  Several drains for clearance.  The broken pipe that has been leaking water for the last 2 winters has been repaired by highways.  Numerous potholes have been reported and currently allocated out for repair works.

Speed Camera A16.  The solar panel no longer works due to cracks accidently received during its transport and installation.  Enquiries are ongoing as to any grant opportunities to fund a repair or replacement.  22082024 speed sign working again.  The solar panel has been replaced by a volunteer who will remain anonymous enabling the speed sign to work again for the benefit of the community.  14092024 Highways have been asked to cut back the foliage that affects the charging of the solar panel. 

Update 30092024 Highways have inspected the area and the foliage is not on Highways land and advise it is for the landowner to deal with.  Hopefully any willing Village Volunteers may help keep the area trimmed in future.

Hall Corner. Bus lay by and footpath overgrown by weeds, and overhanging trees and hedging now removed by Highways. They have returned with the Pride Team organised with the help of County Councillor William Gray to deal with the footpath at the bus lay bys

White lines on the bend have now been repainted.  A Hall Corner resident kindly removed the overhanging stinging nettles and weeds affecting the footpath at Hall Corner by the crash barrier. A tree has also been removed that fell and blocked the footpath.  Further branches are to be removed by the householder.

A further tree branch was fallen onto the bus lay by and Highways have been asked to make it safe and remove it.

The footpath from the bus lay by A16 Hall Corner through to Fen Lane is currently blocked by weeds.  Lincs County Council have updated that this will be dealt with by beginning of Jan as they are prioritising paths that lead directly to schools, shops, etc.


EKPC are pleased to update that following their work with the LCC Footpaths Office, County Councillor William Gray and landowners the overgrown footpaths affecting the routes from the A16 through to Fen Lane have been cleared and are available for all walkers again.  Many thanks to all involved.

Keal Hill A16: Footpath overgrown and overhanging hedges and trees affecting pedestrians. EKPC have liaised with Highways who have inspected the location. They state that grass and foliage has been cut back and the footpath is currently usable and no further work is planned.  If Village Volunteers would like to help with this area in future they are welcome to assist.


EKPC have further reported this to Highways 16082024 and chased further 03092024 as problem is occurring again.  Highways have now cut back the tree as requested and improved the footpath access.

Church Lane: Numerous potholes and general condition of the road surface reported to Highways.  County Cllr William Gray is also assisting.  Highways have replied that the potholes are not yet of an urgent nature that require filling however they are investigating a plan to re surface the whole road during 2025.



Traffic Speed Survey A16 2022.

Good afternoon,

I have been asked by Rob Hook to reply to you with the results of the Archer survey, which I installed on the A16, East Keal. Rob is the Enforcement Delivery manager and has seen the full report and made the LRSP enforcement decisions.

The technical data recording equipment was located on roadside furniture in 2 locations within the village, which commenced on the 26th July 2022. They continued for a full seven-day period. 

Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles close to fen Lane was was 29.1 mph in a 30 mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.

Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles close to the centre of the village was 31.8 mph in a 30 mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.

I have researched the collisions involving personal injury for the last 3-year period up to a data date of 31/07/2022 and there have been 3 recorded collisions within the 30 mph limit.

Highways engineers within the Road Safety Partnership have assessed the area and inform me that no engineering casualty reduction measures were identified.

The Government is committed to ensuring that the process for deploying speed cameras is transparent and that cameras are only used at locations where they can make a demonstrable reduction in speed related casualties. The only form of speed enforcement that the LRSP can carry out is with the use of speed cameras; however, the site selection process has to comply with the criteria set out by the Department for Transport. This criterion includes locations where there are a history of speed related injury collisions supported by evidence of a high degree of non-compliance with the speed limit. In that respect Lincolnshire Police through the Road Safety Partnership adheres to the site selection criteria set out by the Department for Transport to ensure that the process is completely transparent and that cameras are only used as a casualty reduction measure. The results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.

Speed cameras are only one part of Lincolnshire Police Speed Enforcement Strategy and the details of the surveys have been shared with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Safer Roads Team and the newly formed Roads Policing Unit for them to undertake enforcement when resourcing allows of which we have no control over.

The 85%ile refers to the 85th percentile speed at or below which 85 percent of the drivers will drive with open roads and favourable conditions. The assumption underlying the 85th percentile speed is that most drivers will operate their vehicle at speeds they perceive to be safe.

The ‘SAW’ refers to those drivers that would fall within the option of receiving a Speed Awareness Course instead of prosecution.

Kind regards 

Simon Hart


See speed of vehicles



See results of traffic speed data