Please see the details below for the Decision by the Planning Office to allow development at Blacksmiths Lane. As part of the Decision Notice the Applicant must provide details to the Planners of a Construction Travel and Management Plan that describes how the construction lorries will safely use Fen Lane and Blacksmiths Lane and details of how they will safely access and exit the construction site onto the A16 at Hall Corner. Please send any further concerns that you may have to the East Keal Parish Clerk
Phone: 07859 901835
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Agent/Applicant's Name & Address Applicant's Name & Address
Miss. E. Whatrup,
Lincs Design Consultancy Ltd,
12 Vickers Lane,
LN11 9PJ
Mrs. E. Willis,
C/O Lincs Design Consultancy Ltd,
12 Vickers Lane,
LN11 9PJ
Part I - Particulars of Application
Date received Application Number
18/09/2024 S/045/01351/2024
Particulars and location of the development
PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of a bespoke dwelling with
improvements to existing vehicular access.
Part II - Particulars of decision
In pursuance of its powers under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the East Lindsey District Council grants permission for the carrying out of the development referred to in Part I hereof in accordance with the application and plans submitted subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 3 years from the date of this decision.
Reason: As required by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings and other documents
Plan No. LDC-4199-01A Received by the LPA on 05/09/2024.
Plan no. LDC-4199-02C Received by the LPA on 28/10/2024.
Plan No. LDC-4199-03 Received by the LPA on 05/09/2024.
and any drawings approved subsequently in writing by the local planning
authority pursuant to any conditions on this decision letter.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
3. No development shall take place until a written scheme of archaeological
investigation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. This scheme should include the following:
1. An assessment of significance and proposed mitigation strategy (i.e.
preservation by record, preservation in situ or a mix of these elements).
2. A methodology and timetable of site investigation and recording
3. Provision for site analysis
4. Provision for publication and dissemination of analysis and records
5. Provision for archive deposition
6. Nomination of a competent person/organisation to undertake the work
The scheme of archaeological investigation must only be undertaken in
accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To ensure the preparation and implementation of an appropriate
scheme of archaeological mitigation in accordance with paragraphs 200 and
211 of the National Planning Policy Framework
4. The archaeological site work must be undertaken only in full accordance
with the approved written scheme referred to in the above Condition. The
applicant will notify the Local Planning Authority of the intention to
commence at least fourteen days before the start of archaeological work in
order to facilitate adequate monitoring arrangements.
Reason: To ensure satisfactory arrangements are made for the recording of
possible archaeological remains in accordance with paragraphs 200 and 211
of the National Planning Policy Framework.
5. A report of the archaeologist’s findings shall be submitted to the Local
Planning Authority and the Historic Environment Record Officer at
Lincolnshire County Council within 3 months of the works hereby given
consent being commenced unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local
Planning Authority; and the condition shall not be discharged until the archive
of all archaeological work undertaken hitherto has been deposited with the
County Museum Service, or another public depository willing to receive it.
Reason: In order to ensure that satisfactory arrangements are made for the
investigation, retrieval and recording of any possible archaeological remains
on the site and in accordance with paragraphs 200 and 211 of the National
Planning Policy Framework.
6. No development shall take place until a Construction Travel and
Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the
Local Planning Authority. Details submitted should include the expected size
and number of delivery vehicles, days and times for construction and
deliveries, a routing plan identifying how the site should be accessed from
Blacksmiths Lane, any mitigation measures required to make such a route
passable, and details for the parking, turning, loading and unloading of
delivery vehicles on site. The development shall be carried out in accordance
with the approved Construction Travel and Management Plan. Agreed
parking and turning space should be made available prior to works
commencing on the development and be kept permanently free for such
use at all times thereafter.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and neighbour amenity. This
condition is imposed in accordance with SP10 and SP22 of the Local Plan.
7. Before any development is carried out above damp proof course, a
schedule/samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the
external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be submitted
to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall
be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests the character and appearance of area in which the
development it set. This condition is imposed in accordance with SP10 of
the East Lindsey Local Plan and paragraph 135 of the National Planning
Policy Framework.
8. Before the commencement of the development hereby permitted, the
approval of the Local Planning Authority is required to a scheme of
landscaping and tree planting for the site, including boundaries, indicating,
inter alia, the number, species, heights on planting and positions of all the
trees, together with a timetable for implementation and details of
post-planting maintenance. (The timetable should show most of the
boundary planting completed as early as possible in the construction
process). Such scheme as is approved by the Local Planning Authority shall
be carried out in its entirety in accordance with the the approved timetable.
All trees, shrubs and bushes shall be maintained by the owner or owners of
the land on which they are situated for the period of five years beginning
with the date of completion of the scheme and during that period all losses
shall be made good as and when necessary.
Reason: To ensure that the development is adequately landscaped in a
timely manner in the interests of its visual amenities of the area within which
it is set. This condition is imposed in accordance with SP10 of the East
Lindsey Local Plan.
10. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and
Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015,
(or any Order or Statutory Instrument revoking and re-enacting that
Order), unless otherwise show on the approved plans, none of the following
developments or alterations shall be carried out:
i) the erection of freestanding curtilage buildings or structures
including car ports, garages, sheds, greenhouses, pergolas or raised decks;
ii) the erection of house extensions including dormer windows,
conservatories, garages, car ports, porches or pergolas;
iii) alterations including the installation of chimneys or flues,
replacement or additional windows or doors, or the installation of roof
iv) the installation of satellite dishes;
v) new areas of hardstanding.
Reason: In the interests of visual amenity of the area in which the site is
set. This condition is imposed in accordance with SP10 of the Local Plan.
11. The artists studio shown on the approved plans shall only be used for
purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of highway safety
and neighbour amenity. This condition is imposed in accordance with SP10
and S22 of the Local Plan.
The Local Planning Authority have worked with the applicants and
their agent in a positive and proactive manner to seek solutions to
issues arising prior to submission of the application and now
consider the proposal is acceptable and there is compliance with
the relevant Development Plan Policies cited above and also the
National Planning Policy Framework.
. Informatives:
The permitted development requires the formation of a new/amended
vehicular access. These works will require approval from the Highway
Authority in accordance with Section 184 of the Highways Act. The works
should be constructed in accordance with the Authority's specification that is
current at the time of construction. Relocation of existing apparatus,
underground services or street furniture will be the responsibility of the
applicant, prior to application. For application guidance, approval and
specification details, please visit or
The applicants attention is drawn to the telegraph pole which is in close
proximity to the proposed access which is to be upgrades, this may need to
be relocated at the applicants expense.
. Biodiversity Net Gain
The effect of paragraph 13 of Schedule 7A to the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 is that planning permission granted for the development
of land in England is deemed to have been granted subject to the condition
“(the biodiversity gain condition”) that development may not begin unless:
(a) a Biodiversity Gain Plan has been submitted to the planning authority,
(b) the planning authority has approved the plan.
The planning authority, for the purposes of determining whether to approve
a Biodiversity Gain Plan if one is required in respect of this permission would
be East Lindsey District Council.
There are statutory exemptions and transitional arrangements which mean
that the biodiversity gain condition does not always apply.
Based on the information available this permission is considered to be one
which will require the approval of a biodiversity gain plan before
development is begun because none of the statutory exemptions or
transitional arrangements listed below are considered to apply.
Irreplaceable habitat
If the onsite habitat includes irreplaceable habitat (within the meaning of the
Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024)
there are additional requirements for the content and approval of
Biodiversity Gain Plans.
The Biodiversity Gain Plan must include, in addition to information about
steps taken or to be taken to minimise any adverse effect of the
development on the habitat, information on arrangements for
compensation for any impact the development has on the biodiversity of
the irreplaceable habitat.
The planning authority can only approve a Biodiversity Gain Plan if satisfied
that the adverse effect of the development on the biodiversity of the
irreplaceable habitat is minimised and appropriate arrangements have been
made for the purpose of compensating for any impact which do not include
the use of biodiversity credits.
Dated: 09/12/2024 Signed:
Phil Norman
Assistant Director – Planning and Strategic
(Chief Planning Officer)
Tel. No. 01507 601111