Pictures of the Platinum Jubilee

On the weekend of 4th - 5th June 2022, East Keal celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by arranging two events. These free events were organised by volunteers of

The Keals Platinum Jubilee Committee supported by the Community through fundraising events. 

On Saturday in The Keals' Village Hall a display of scarecrows made by residents was given along with garden games, craft stalls and cafe refreshments.
The raffle of over 40 prizes was held over two days.

On Sunday a disco and picnic was organised by The Keals Platinum Jubilee Committee held in the barn at Manor Farm, with a burger bar, refreshments, games and the scarecrow display.
Below are some pictures of the events.


Refreshments in the village hall

People enjoyed refreshments in the village hall


Disco dancing in the barn

The disco in the barn was popular



The raffle had over 40 prizes

The successful raffle had over 40 prizes

Residents celebrate in the barn

The singalong in the barn