Annual Report May 2019

East Keal Parish Council

Annual Report for 2018 - 2019

Presented by Grahame Smith, Chairperson

At the start of the year in May 2018 your councillors were:
Suzie Butler, Chair; Lyn Kemp; Katie Dromey; Andy Bush; Gavin Motley; Pam Davies. I joined the Parish Council during May 2018.
The Council has continued to be ably aided by our excellent Clerk, Libby Martin
However, during July, Gavin Motley stepped down as did Susie Butler who also decided to step down as Chair. We thank both Gavin and Susie for all their contributions and time given.
The two vacancies were filled in September by Anne-Marie Thornley and in November by Peter Litchfield.
I was elected Chair in August 2018; so this is my first report.

Other Support.
Regular reports and attendance at meetings were received from the County Councillor Bill Aron and our long serving District Councillor Jim Swanson. Both have been very valuable with the information, advice and hard work. We thank them.
Internal Auditor, Steve Shaw stepped down in October and Dawn Keal has agreed to take over this voluntary role. We are very grateful to both.

General Data Protection Regulations
This is new legislation and onerous but very important. We adopted this major policy, and completed our GDPR Security Compliance Checklist.
This included the update of our village contact list regarding data protection. The clerk has emailed the 50 residents or so who are already on email to see if they are willing to complete the form. This gives permission to continue being on the parish email group.
Any remaining residents are given the opportunity join, so forms were delivered by Councillors to all homes in the parish. You can still join.

Scarecrow Weekend
This was a major event during a weekend in early September. Initiated by the Parochial Church Council, then a steering committee of several community groups was formed. It was a very successful community activity; residents were heavily involved, over 100 scarecrows were on display and £3,125 raised for the church project.

Village Green area
Your Parish Council purchased the new ‘Walkers Board’ which was erected on the green and is impressive. Thanks go to David Dines for his hard work on this.  With the removal of the old phone box, the area looks so much nicer.
Notice boards have been repaired & re-varnished; many thanks go to Alan Buckley.

War Memorial
A new gate was purchased by the Parish Council for the side of the War Memorial. Thanks to David Dines for installing and painting it.
The railings at the war memorial were re-painted, thanks to Helena Abbott for organising this. The grounds are constantly cared for and are beautiful all year round; special thanks go to Helena, Jane and Sue.

a) LCC Highways repaired the leaking spring at the bottom of Fen Lane, with new drains.
b) On several occasions after heavy rain there was excessive flooding on the A16 at ‘Hall Corner’. Several residents took photos which were forwarded to Highways Department and it stirred action to be taken by LCC. Two teams arrived and the drains on the corner and along the A16 were jetted clean and this now seems to have solved the problem.
The Highways department now have a guaranteed schedule to jet clean every year, as well as ensuring the drain away gully is clear.
c) A new system for problem reporting was introduced nationally. It is a website:   Potholes, fly tipping and other aspects can be reported by any member of the public. Councillors have used this several times with success and swift action has occurred.
d) Speed reductions scheme on A16.
At a meeting, residents requested us to consider asking for a reduction to 30 mph speed limit on the A16, this was not approved but we were able to purchase Temporary ‘Speed Reminder’ Signs.
I submitted possible sites to Lincolnshire County Council and these were approved.
In January these signs were placed along posts on the A16 reminding motorists of the 40 mph limit; and this seems to have helped.
These are periodically moved or turned around every six weeks to adhere to the ‘temporary’ requirements. Thanks to Phil Grove for help with this.

Important Work
1. We continue to have reports from community groups at each meeting: Women’s Institute, Parochial Church Council, Gardening Club, Diners Social Group, Volunteer Workforce, Petanque Club and the Village Hall and we also liaise with them.
2. Many of the duties of the PC are legal requirements, and this can be a nightmare to navigate. Many thanks go to our Clerk Libby Martin for her excellent steering of the way through them. Policy documents have to be continuously reviewed and approved. To facilitate this and ensure all are covered effectively; we have now devised a programme and time table to conduct these throughout the year.
3. The first considered was The Finance Policy, which, remarkably had not been reviewed since 2007. A committee of 3 councillors was formed to carry out this with successful results. Thanks to Cllr Kemp, Cllr Dromey and Cllr Thornley for this.
4. Another committee we have formed is for Personnel aspects. Our clerk Libby Martin is an employee of the council and it was important to consider wage levels and conduct her Annual Appraisal properly. Thanks go to Cllr Dromey, Cllr Thornley and Cllr Kemp.

During Autumn the council felt strongly that communication in the community could be improved, this included re-introducing a newsletter as one has not been produced for many years. Several ways to do this were explored as well as how to fund it. Eventually, David Dines offered to produce the East Keal Parish Magazine to include news, information and articles. This is paid for by advertisers. The first issue delivered through letterboxes in March was impressive as was the second one in April well received.

Special Remembrance Service
Being 100 years since the end of World War One a special memorial service was held on 11th November 2018 at our War Memorial, and presented by David Rosdale.
We paid for a P.A. system to help overcome the traffic noise and with 98 attending; people were spread on the footpath and lay-by. Cake with tea & coffee was served in a marquee on the garage forecourt. Thank you to David Dines for arranging this.
Heather Naden initiated residents making large knitted poppies, names of people’ relatives lost during war times who were not from the village were attached to over 50 of them. These were displayed on the railings throughout the month of November.
Well done Heather!

First Aid
We initiated and held a public meeting in March on First Aid, provided by the Red Cross to which 18 people attended and refreshments supplied. Guidance on how to use the defribulator at the village hall was given.
Thanks to Libby for arranging this.

Other items dealt with by your Parish Council:
1. Moving of the litter bin in Church Lane
2. Requesting the landowner to clear the overgrown footpath, top of Fen Lane to Hall corner.
3. Requesting the owners of the horses not to block the footpath with electric fencing
4. Writing to a resident on Blacksmith Lane about neighbours concerns about the untidy garden.
5. Asking for more frequent emptying of the bottle banks, as people have been leaving bags of glass bottles on the road next to the bins when they are full
6. A damaged inspection cover was replaced in the grass on the footpath on A16
7. A broken and removed drain cover on Blacksmiths Lane was reported and replaced
8. Supported the Community Café and delivering promotional leaflets.
9. We have delivered leaflets on Loneliness & Vulnerability
10. Several occasions of fly tipping have been reported, mainly using with speedy results.
11. Meeting with 3 officers from LCC & Cllr Bill Aron on potholes and roads.
12. Attended the AGM of the Spilsby Good Neighbour Scheme.
13. Attending a Community Activity and Grants meeting along with West Keal PC
14. We obtained a new additional grit / salt bin, and located it outside the church
15. We have considered applications for 3 Planning and 1 tree preservation order exception request.

The Workforce Volunteers
We are very grateful to all volunteers who help to keep the village neat, tidy and looked after, cutting grass verges, planting bulbs, cleaning signs and much more.
Their energy makes East Keal a lovely place to live in and it is admired by visitors.
The Parish Council and all residence are extremely grateful to David Dines the Workforce Co-ordinator who makes it all happen.

Cluster Councils
To counter-act the effects of the reduction in council funding from central government, we are encouraged to co-operate with other councils.
We have improved liaison and contact with West Keal Parish Council.  I have had informal meets with their Chairperson and I attended their council meetings and he has also attended ours.

The Viking Link
An appeal was launched by other local councils to try and change the route of the large electrical cable to be laid in the ground though our parish. This was not approved, so the original route over Marden Hill and under the A16 will still be used.

Copies of the accounts are issued on a separate sheet and are available now.

The Future
a) We shall be looking at improving the website, as well as other communications with parishioners and increasing the emailing list.
b) We shall be devising a new four year Parish Plan
c) As we have during this last year, we shall be encouraging and developing community activity and groups and helping to explore new possibilities.
In May 2019, and after eight years service; Pam Davies is retiring as councillor.
Also retiring is the Deputy Chair Andy Bush, after four years service. Peter Litchfield is not seeking re-election this year due to personal issues. The Council thanks them for all their hard work and contributions, we are all very grateful.
The remaining four councillors have applied to be re-elected this May,
 as has Diane White applied to be elected for her first year, we welcome Diane.
This leaves two vacancies, as there are seven places on the council.
If you are interested in joining us, please do contact me or Libby.

Dates of meeting and other activities are posted on our notice boards, please do read them and contact us on any relevant issues.

Thank you.

Grahame Smith, Chair