Annual Report May 2017


To the residents of East Keal.

It is my pleasure to present the annual report of East Keal Parish Council.  This is my second report and will concentrate on your council’s activities over the past year.  As usual it also has a list of existing council members and a statement of our unaudited accounts to 31st March 2017.

I believe that East Keal has been served by a dedicated and lively group of councillors and well supported by residents of East Keal.  County Councillor, Victoria Ayling, and District Councillor, Jim Swanson, have been on hand with advice whenever necessary.

My Councillors:-   Pam Davies, Kim Keller, Andy Bush, Gavin Motley, Ed Sweeney and new Councillor Katie Dromey, each have, in their own way, made a great contribution to the well-being of the parish and one they can be proud of.  Libby Martin, parish clerk, has tried to keep me on the straight and narrow.  It has always been a hallmark of this council that we should endeavour to maintain a good relationship with all sections of the community, in such a small parish.

Representatives from the following groups have a regular place on the Agenda of every council meeting:-
                        Parochial Church Council,                   Village Hall Committee
                        Gardening Club                                   Women’s Institute
                        Workforce                                           Petanque
                        and of course County and District Council.

In respect of the village itself the council recognises the essential nature of East Keal as a quiet rural community which due to its limited amenities is not considered suitable for major planning development.  In addition we hope to maintain a proper balance between the needs of farming and non-farming communities.

The council does, however, welcome the casual visitor and desires to maintain, and when necessary, enhance the appearance and amenities of the village both for the benefit of visitors and residents as a whole.

During the past year the council has undertaken the following:-
Responded to ELDC Core Strategy publication version February 2016 – 2031 where East Keal is a medium village.
Produced a ‘Welcome document’ to be circulated to new residents.
Represented the village at discussions regarding Broadband coming to the village and the Viking Link project.

Suzy Butler, Chair