Annual Report May 2018

East Keal Parish Council Annual Report April 2018.

To the Residents of East Keal.
It is my pleasure to present the Annual Report of East Keal Parish Council.
This will be my third report of this Council and as such, will concentrate on your Council's activities over the past year.  As usual it also has a list of existing Council members and on a seperate sheet, a summary of our accounts throughtout the year.

I believe that East Keal has been fortunate indeed to have been served by such a dedicated and enthusiastic group of Councillors, in turn we have been extremely well supported by the residents of East Keal and District Councillor, Jim Swanson, and County Councillor, Bill Aron, who have been on hand with advice and guidance.

My Councillors - Pam Davies, Kim Keller (who has now stepped down as a Councillor) Andy Bush, Gavin Motley, and first time Councillors Kate Dromey and Lyn Kemp, each have in their own way made a significant contribution to the well-being of the Parish and one they can be proud of and Libby Martin our Parish Clerk keeping me in line.  It has always been a hallmark of this council that we should endeavour to maintain a good relationship with all sections of the community, in such a small parish this makes good sense enabling us to work together for the benefit of all the residents.

Representatives from the following groups have a regular place on the Agenda of every council meeting.  Womens Institute, Parochial Church Council, Village Hall Committee, Gardening Club, District and Councy Council, Workforce and Petanque.

In respect of the village itself the Council recognises the essential nature of East Keal as a quiet rural community which due to its limited amenities is not considered suitable for major development and this has been reflected in our approach to planning applications.  In addition we endeavour to maintain a proper balance between the needs of farming and non-farming communities.

The Council does, however welcome the casual visitor and desires to maintain and where necessary enhance the appearance and amenities of the village both for the benefit of such visitors and of the residents as a whole.  So on behalf of me and my fellow Councillors and the residents of East Keal I would like to thank David Dines and his fellow workforce members for keeping the village looking nice.

On a sad day last August there was a fatal RTA outside the old pub on the A16 where a young lad died and others were injured, some seriously, the Parish Council would like to wish those injured a speedy recovery.

We have had a visit from The County Council regarding the flooding on the A16 at Hall Corner and they have found out what the problem is and this will be getting sorted sometime this year.

The Council this year have put a welcome pack together which gives names of local schools, shops, doctors, parish councillors and what activities there are in the village.  So all new residents who come to live in East Keal will be getting a copy of this welcome pack.

Ladies and Gentlemen that completes my Annual Report and all that remains for me now is once again thank all those residents who have given up their time in one way or another for the benefit of the village and to thank our clerk and my fellow councillors for their support and commitment throughout the year.

Suzy Butler - Chair