Minutes of Meeting 07.10.2024
Cllr Mahoney (Chair), Cllr Thornley (Vice Chair), Cllr Cooper, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Stickland, Cllr Wrisdale, Pauline Murray (Clerk) & 17 members of the public.
Public Forum –
The Chair asked the public for their comments on the proposed planning application S/045/01351/24 new build in Blacksmiths Lane the main points raised were:- Lack of privacy - positioning of the new build being sideways on and looking directly into other properties – cutting down of their views – light pollution – access into the property is extremely tight – damage to nearby properties which are over 200 years old and built with very shallow footings & therefore at risk of subsidence. Safety at Hall Corner which is an accident hot spot. There’s problems with the soakaways already they are collapsing – the narrow roads are in a bad state of repair – the public footpath would be disrupted and there would be damage to the banks of the cottages. The area is in the Wolds which is an Area of Natural Beauty (ANOB) & the application design isn’t in keeping with the other properties in the village.
Meeting commenced at 7.22pm
1. Apologies for Absence
County Cllr Gray & District Cllr Taylor
2. Declaration of Interests
Cllr Pearson stated he had an interest in the planning application at 4) as he had wanted to buy the property but as it was allotted for other projects was unable to do so and that his representation was on behalf of a larger road safety interest that concerned the majority of the community that he would continue to represent their interests.
3. Minutes of 12th September meeting for approval
The above minutes were approved and signed off by the Chair.
4. Planning Application S/045/01351/24 new build in Blacksmiths Lane
After the Parish Councillors had heard all the comments from the public and also those the Clerk had received via email it was proposed to object to this planning application - passed unanimously. The Clerk to formulate a draft objection email to be checked by the Chair and sent to East Lindsey DC Planning Department before closing date of 15th October 2024. Action 24/10
5. New Planning Policy
The Clerk had spoken to the LALC Officer and it had been suggested to her that a new policy to incorporate the option of the Councillors emailing through to the Clerk regarding Planning Applications would be advised. This option can be utilised when the application cannot be looked at in the normal cycle of meetings due to the tightness of the deadlines by East Lindsey’s Planning Department. A policy was produced for East Keal Parish Council and emailed around the Councillors for their comments before the meeting. There was a resolution to adopt the new planning policy and this was passed unanimously.
6. Bank Mandate
An update on the bank mandate changes was given by the Clerk in that she has recently had an email from Lloyds Bank to say that they are currently updating the mandate ie taking Alan Goddard off as he has resigned from the Council and putting Charlotte Mahoney & Pauline Murray on.
7. Correspondence and Feedback
Nothing other than the responses of the public to the planning application mentioned above.
8. Matters arising for the next meeting
1) Audit list of tasks 4) Co-option vacancy 2) Survey to residents 5) Social media policy 3) Code of Conduct 6) Risk assessment of flagpole (Chair)
The meeting closed at 7.42pm - next meeting Wednesday, 20th Nov 2024 at 7pm at Keals Village Hall.