Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting 25.04.2024


An Extra-ordinary meeting of East Keal Parish Council was held on 25/04/2024 at 7pm at The Keals’ Village Hall. 

Cllr Charlotte Mahoney welcomed everyone to the meeting. 
Present: Cllr Pearson, Cllr Goddard, Cllr Stickland, Cllr Thornley, Cllr Mahoney, Councillor Wrisdale and members of the public. 

Cllr Mahoney opened the Public Forum and advised everyone that for the purpose of ensuring the accurate recording the minutes, the meeting would be recorded. A voice recording was
started on Councillor Mahoney’s mobile telephone.

Public Forum 
A member of the public asked who should they send messages to, in the absence of a Clerk. Cllr Mahoney advised that emails can still be addressed to the clerk’s email address as it is still being monitored. The email address of Cllr, Mahoney, Cllr Thornley and Cllr Wrisdale are also available on the website.

1. To discuss and appoint a new Chair
Cllr Mahoney advised that due to personal reasons Cllr Pearson has decided to step down as Chair. Alan Goddard asked Cllr Mahoney if she would like to be appointed as new chair.
C Mahoney responded by saying that she would be willing to take on the role.
Proposed By Cllr Thornley Seconded By Cllr Wrisdale

2. To discuss the requirement of an interim Clerk and the appointment of a new Clerk.
Cllr Thornley advised that LALC have confirmed that it is possible to appoint a Voluntary interim Clerk, however it needs to be made clear that this interim role is voluntary and is not
a paid position. Cllr Pearson advised that there is also an option to pay for an interim Clerk, or for an existing councillor to apply for the interim role. All applicants for the interim role will
need to be experienced.
For either option there needs to be an agreement in place between the interim clerk and the council which defines the role and the conditions, including welfare. The council agreed that
an interim clerk would help the council, but it would depend on the experience of the person.
Cllr Pearson advised that a councillor can also apply for the Interim Role. Put a notice on website and on noticeboard advertising the Interim Role.
It was agreed by the council that the role of Clerk would be advertised. An experienced Clerk would be beneficial. A job description will be created and agreed by the Council.
Both positions need to be advertised as soon as possible.
Proposed By Cllr Thornley – Seconded By Cllr Wrisdale

3. To receive and accept apologies. 
No apologies, all councillors were present. 

4. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act. 
Cllr Pearson declared an interest in agenda item 12.

5. To approve as Minutes the notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20 th March.
Cllr Pearson agreed the minutes up to the point when he left the meeting due to a declaration of interest in regard to discussing the Clerk’s overtime (agenda point 25 x). It was
resolved by the council as a whole, that the minutes from 20/03/24 be accepted as minutes of the meeting. 

6. To Approve the Policy and agree the Timescale for the Co-option of a Councillor.
The next meeting of the Council is the AGM on the 15 th May 2024. All councillors agreed that it would be beneficial if the co-option could be held during the AGM as the next meeting after that wouldn’t be taking place until at least August.
Councillors discussed and agreed the following points:
a) The co-option would go ahead even though there isn’t a full four week period to advertise the role. This may extend the length of the meeting, however it would be prevent further delay
b) The availability of the Co-option policy would be advertised on the noticeboards, the policy itself would added to the website and distributed by email to all residents on the email
distribution list.
c) Potential candidates will be invited to request a copy of the application and other applicable documents from the Clerk or by contacting any Councillor.
d) Anyone who has already expressed an interest will be sent the documents.
Proposed By Cllr Strickland – Seconded By Councillor Wrisdale

7. To Discuss Signatories for Council Expenditure
Cllr Pearson had expressed a desire to no longer be a signatory due to previous suggestions that there was a conflict of interests due to being related to the former Clerk. Now that there
is no conflict of interest Cllr Pearson stated that he would be in agreement to continue as signatory if the rest of the Council also agreed. All councillors agreed that there is no conflict
and that Cllr Pearson role as signatory can continue.
Cllr Mahoney requested a 3 rd signatory and Cllr Thornley agreed to become a signatory. A mandate will be created and completed.
Proposed By Cllr Mahoney – Seconded By Cllr Wrisdale

8. To discuss outstanding agenda items from a Meeting on 20 th March 2024.
a. To approve expenditure of £6.00 for the purchase of 8 x 2 nd Class Stamps
All Cllrs agreed to the expenditure.
Proposed By Cllr Thornley – Seconded By Cllr Strickland
b. To approve the expenditure of £20.00 for the Keals’ Village Hall Invoice No. 344 Cllr Mahoney advised that this invoice is now outstanding and should be paid without further
delay once agreed. A second invoice No. 350 for use of the Village Hall on 25 th April should also be paid at the same time. Cllr Wrisdale proposed that as the council had already agreed
to make a block booking of 8 meetings to qualify for a discount at the previous meeting, that he would contact the Village Hall Committee to request that the meeting on the 25 th April be
included as one of the 8 meetings. If this is agreed by the Village Hall, the council would need to pay £180, which includes the discounted 8 sessions of £160 plus invoice 344
outstanding from 20 th March 2024.
Proposed By Cllr Strickland – Seconded Cllr Mahoney

c. To approve expenditure of £158.92 for the payment of LALC Annual Subs.
Agreed by all Councillors
Proposed By Cllr Pearson – Seconded By Cllr Goddard
d. To approve expenditure of £132.00 for the payment of LALC Annual Training Scheme.
Agreed by all Councillors
Proposed By Cllr Mahoney – Seconded By Cllr Goddard
e. To Review the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Report
Cllr Mahoney advised that the bank statements were still the same as those distributed at the meeting on 20 th March 20023. A remittance has been received from ELDC for the precept
which will be included in the next statement. There are no other changes to the FinancialReport at present.
f. To receive an update on the Precept As per point e above, the Precept has been paid by ELDC. The total amount is £8993.14.
According to the budget prepared by the previous clerk, there is an outstanding amount of£6005.13 which must be paid back to ELDC for the 2 elections which took place in 2023. Cllr
Pearson advised that we will receive an invoice from ELDC.

9. Correspondence
a. To receive an update from the Clerk on outstanding enquiries and for Cllrs to agree responses
i. Cllr Mahoney advised that an email has been received from Cllr Terry Taylor in regard to the planning application for 600 homes proposed for Spilsby. Cllr Pearson suggested that due to
the potential pressure that may be added to some public services, that the information should be shared with residents. A notice will be placed in the noticeboards and the email
circulated with those on the email list.
ii. National Grid – Further information has been received from National Grid in relation to the Eastern Green Link 3 (EGL 3) and Eastern Green Link 4 (EGL 4). Information to be
circulated via email and added to the website.
iii. ELDC – Forthcoming PCC elections. Information regarding the candidates to be added to the website and circulated via email.
iv. D-Day memorabilia – The council reviewed the list of merchandise that can be purchased however it was agreed that due to the fact that the village doesn’t have a flag pole or street
lights that it wouldn’t be possible to decorate for the D-Day celebrations.
v. The council has received an email from a resident of a negative nature. This email is a continuation of a string of emails received since19/09/2023. Cllr Pearson stated that the
council has previously sought assistance from LALC who advised that the resident should be invited to formally complain. If a complaint is received then the complaints policy will be
followed. Cllr’s agreed to follow LALC’s advice.
Proposed By Cllr Strickland – Seconded By Cllr Goddard

10. Any Other Matters for Discussion only or For Next Agenda
a. Cllr Thornley provided the following update for the Time Capsule event. Resident G Motley has offered to manufacture and donate the time capsule. Cllr Thornley has made
up some children’s packs that will be distributed by Cllr Thornley and a record kept of the distribution list to ensure they are collected. The council discussed potential dates for the
event and a possible date of Saturday 1st June. The capsule will be buried for approximately 15-20 years. Resident D Keal requested a different date as some residents may not be able
to attend due to preparations for an event taking place in the village on Sunday 2nd June.
b. A Homefront themed Coffee event organised by Diane White will be taking place 3pm to 5pm on the 5th June 2024 in St Helens Church, East Keal. Cllr Thornley requested that if possible it would be good if Cllr’s could attend and provide support.
c. The outgoing chair Cllr Pearson handed over the envelope with the passwords in it. The envelope was handed to Cllr Mahoney and the envelope was opened in front of everyone.
Cllr Mahoney will update the documents and put into a new envelope which will be brought to the next meeting for counter-signing and witnessing.
d. The council discussed increasing the number of meetings. With potentially more sessions available for the Village Hall (see point 8.b). This would help keep the meetings to a
reasonable running time and for subjects to be discussed and agreed sooner. To be discussed and agreed at the next meeting.

11. Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting is planned to take place on 15 th May 2024. A full agenda will be prepared and circulated as required. Cllr Wrisdale to contact the Village Hall to ensure that the date is
available and make the booking. Cllr Strickland requested that if possible could the meeting start at 6.30pm rather than 7pm due to the Co-option election being added to the meeting.
Cllr Pearson advised that the council is duty bound to start at 7pm. Cllr Mahoney to check the standing orders and advise the council if it is possible to start earlier or not.

12. To Discuss and Agree a Resolution to go into a closed session under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting Act) 1960, to exclude public and press as the council
will be discussing the following agenda items which are confidential matters in relation to staffing.

a. To Review and Reconcile the Outstanding Invoices from the Former Clerk
The council reviewed all documents issued by the clerk in regard to her salary and overtime. The council agreed that as the work had been completed, all outstanding payments should
be made without further delay.
b. A final payment of £758.05 is to be made to the Clerk. This is made up of overtime, final salary and accrued holiday.
c. It was agreed by all councillors that any future clerk should be appropriately monitored to ensure overtime is approved prior to the work being carried out. The HR Committee will
commence work on reviewing the Clerks’ Job Description and Contract. An update will be provided at the next meeting.
The Meeting closed at 20:13