Minutes of Meeting 20.03.2024
Minutes of Meeting 20.03.2024
A meeting of East Keal Parish Council was held on 20/03/2024 at 7pm at The Keals’ Village Hall.
Cllr Graham Pearson welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Present: Chair Cllr Pearson, Cllr Goddard, Cllr Stickland, Cllr Thornley, Cllr Mahoney, Clerk to the Council Mrs McKinlay and 11 members of the public.
Cllr Pearson informed Cllrs of a difficulty with his voice disability and requested another Cllr to Chair the meeting. Cllr Mahoney volunteered. All Cllrs in agreement.
Proposed: Cllr Goddard Seconded: Cllr Thornley
Cllr Mahoney took the seat of the Chair and opened the Public Forum.
Public Forum
Dr Phil Heaton, an orthopaedic surgeon completing thousands of operations, informed the
meeting of his family’s passion for renovating a 200-year-old property to build a gym with world
class equipment to increase the health and wellbeing of local people. Long term hopes are to
provide employment and career inspiration. The facility is completed and they hope to open in
the coming weeks.
No further matters raised.
1. To receive and accept apologies.
Cllr Wrisdale offered apologies with valid reasons. It was proposed and resolved that the reasons be accepted with a vote of 4 Cllrs for and 1 Cllr against.
Apologies were received from County Councillor William Gray and District Councillor Terry Taylor.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
Cllr Pearson declared an interest in Agenda item 25d and 25e.
3. To approve as Minutes the notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17th January 2024.
It was proposed by Cllr Mahoney and seconded by Cllr Goddard and resolved that the notes of 17/01/24 be accepted as minutes of the meeting.
4. To report on the Casual Vacancy for one Parish Councillor.
There has been no request for an election therefore ELDC have given East Keal Parish Council permission to co-opt. A Co-Option Policy and Procedure will be discussed under
Agenda Item 11.
5. To discuss the vacancy of Vice-Chair role and agree further actions.
The Clerk advised that it is best practice to have a Vice-Chair for the occasions where the Chair may be indisposed. Cllrs discussed and resolved to wait until the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May.
6. To discuss the vacancy of a Councillor on the HR Committee and agree further actions.
The Clerk advised that it is best practice to have three Cllrs on the HR Committee. Cllr Mahoney echoed this and added the need for other Cllrs availability for other procedures. Cllrs
discussed this but only two Cllrs were willing to step forward. Cllrs agreed to discuss this again at the May meeting to get the committee up to capacity.
a. Cllr Mahoney was proposed by Cllr Thornley and seconded by Cllr Pearson.
b. Cllr Stickland was proposed by Cllr Pearson and seconded by Cllr Goddard.
7. Chair’s Review.
The Chair thanked litter pickers and other volunteers such as Graham Chapman for cutting hedges.
8. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
a. County Councillor: Report circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting. The report included that LCC set their budget on Friday 23rd February and CallConnect single journeys are price capped to £2.
b. District Councillor: Report circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting. The report included a warning regarding bogus companies installing solar panels and air source heat pumps and
advised residents to contact the Home Energy and Retrofit team on 01507 613573 if they are unsure of any companies. The 3rd Lincolnshire Wolds Outdoor Festival returns 11th – 27th May this year.
9. To receive updates on the Walkabout with Highways and agree any further actions.
Cllr Mahoney informed the meeting that Cllrs Goddard, Thornley and Pearson attended the Walkabout on 11th March with Highways Officer Leila Hart and County Councillor William Gray. Cllr Mahoney read through a brief report; key updates were:
• A16 Junction with Old Bolingbroke Road: Gulley cleaners have attended and a specialised CCTV survey of the surrounding drainage network will be conducted to ascertain
the problems and assess what can be done subject to funding. A clean up of the existing mud deposits will be carried out soon and discussions held with adjoining landowners
regarding their riparian responsibilities in relation to drainage and mud deposits.
• Fen Lane: Various drains and potholes have been noted for future works. The extensive hole in the road will be the subject of a road closure in May for improvements and repair. At the
time of the meeting the road had been closed due to the severity of the hole. An excavation team will now be required due to the depth and running water. Residents expressed
concerns regarding deliveries and damage to property. Cllr Mahoney assured residents that EKPC are doing everything they can and will chase for updates. Residents were urged to
keep reporting on Fix My Street.
• School Lane: A gulley emptier was on site for pre-planned works over 2 days. Basic CCTV was used to check the drains and identified blockages, poor connections and roots for
improvements. Some of the verge was dug back to reveal drains that had been overgrown for years.
• Blacksmiths Lane: Several drains were identified for clearance. The broken pipe that has been leaking for 2 winters will be repaired by Highways and the surrounding area reinstated
by Anglian Water who will remove the road closed sign from the bottom of the lane upon completion.
• Noticeboard at Fen Lane/Blacksmiths Lane/School Lane crossroads: Highways have given verbal consent for paving slabs to be installed, similar to those under the bench, to
create a standing area for people to view the noticeboard. Cllr Stickland donated slabs from Stickland Construction and kindly offered to install them alongside Cllr Goddard and Cllr
Pearson after a full risk assessment has been completed.
• A16 Main Road: The camber reinstatement project is ongoing with no current time scale.
• Flashing Speed Sign: Highways and Lincolnshire County Council were asked about any grants available towards the repair of the speed sign. To be discussed under Agenda Item
10. To receive updates on village issues and agree any further actions.
a. Horse Signs on Fen Lane.
i. Cllr Stickland had received an update on location suggestions from a resident and will mark these on a map to send to Cllrs.
ii. This request will then be sent to County Councillor William Gray.
b. Dog Fouling.
i. Cllr Goddard informed Cllrs that the current signs in the village were brittle and need replacing.
ii. Cllrs requested the Clerk to price up replacement signs to present to Cllrs at the
next meeting.
c. War Memorial Information Board.
i. The current information board is rotten and a replacement has been offered to the council for free. All Cllrs agreed to accept the replacement board.
Proposed: Cllr Goddard. Seconded: Cllr Stickland.
d. Flashing Speed Sign on A16 near Hall Corner.
i. Cllr Mahoney explained that Westcotec suggests that the solar panel was damaged during relocation. Cllr Goddard informed Cllrs of the cost of £295 for an assessment and
£1,245 for replacement of the solar panel. A cost of approximately £3,800 would be required for a completely new sign from this manufacturer. Other manufacturers are available at a
slightly reduced cost depending on the type of sign. Cllr Stickland asked if the council could use an independent company but Cllr Goddard warned that different kit may not be
ii. Cllrs discussed different options and agreed that the first step would be to get an assessment to confirm the issues to support grant funding for repairs or replacement.
iii. It was proposed for Cllr Pearson to request assistance from the donor and the Police and Crime Commissioner to cover the assessment costs. All Cllrs agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Stickland.
e. Noticeboard at the Fen Lane/Blacksmiths Lane/School Lane crossroads. i. The Clerk informed that conversations were ongoing with the company in regard to repair. Further photos
of the board need taking and sending to the company. Cllr Mahoney suggested taking a video and will liase with the Clerk.
11. To approve and adopt the following policy: ‘Co-option Policy and Procedure’
Cllr Mahoney gave details on the policy and informed the meeting the policy was to make sure Co Option is a fair and open process. Cllrs voted on adopting the policy with the suggested
amendments. All Cllrs agreed to adopt the policy.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Goddard.
12. To discuss and approve the order and role delegation of reviewing and amending policies.
a. The Clerk advised Cllrs to focus on Basic Governance and Openness and Accountability policies and reminded Cllrs that policies are due to be reviewed and adopted at the Annual
Meeting of the Parish Council in May.
b. Cllr Mahoney suggested following the process used for amending the Co-Option Policy and all Cllrs agreed.
c. Cllrs will review documents and ask the Clerk to download the template and Legal Topic Notes and send to Cllrs. Cllr Mahoney will liaise with Cllrs to arrange the order and the
amendments of policies before sending back to the Clerk for review.
Proposed: Cllr Stickland. Seconded: Cllr Mahoney.
13. To discuss EKPC’s Emergency Plan and agree further actions.
a. The Clerk explained that the document is to support and work alongside Emergency Services, Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and ELDC in case of an emergency e.g. power outage,
trees down, flooding and there are templates available which have been sent to Cllrs.
b. Cllr Mahoney suggested a working party to create the document. Cllr Pearson offered to
assist. All Cllrs agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Goddard.
14. To discuss EKPC’s Welcome Booklet and agree further actions.
Cllr Mahoney offered to update this document and present back to Cllrs. All Cllrs agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Goddard. Seconded: Cllr Stickland.
15. To receive and discuss an update on the request for documentation from The Keals’ Village Hall.
a. Some Cllrs had been in receipt of an email with some documents, this was requested to be sent to all Cllrs.
b. A folder with information is now available in the hall.
c. Cllrs requested the Clerk to provide the documentation to EKPC insurers to review if anything else is required. All Cllrs agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Stickland. Seconded: Cllr Mahoney.
16. To discuss the increase in cost of hall hire at The Keals’ Village Hall and agree further actions.
a. The Clerk referred Cllrs to the email sent regarding costings for meetings and the requirement for provision for Extraordinary Meetings.
b. Cllrs discussed and agreed to book eight meetings and for the Clerk to ask the village hall committee if three dates can be changed as and when.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Thornley.
17. To discuss the update from the ICO regarding the Councils compliance with Data Protection and agree further actions.
a. The Clerk informed Cllrs that the Retention Policy needs updating to include all documentation the council requires for retention before Cllrs would be able to work through
paperwork and discard of items themselves. This is to reduce the risk of important documents being discarded in error. The Clerk offered as DPO to work through documents recording what needs to be retained and safely disposing of what the council no longer requires.
b. Residents protested at the requirement for the Clerk to work overtime to complete this task and accused the Clerk of deliberately adding stumbling blocks and trying to make the
job full time.
c. Cllr Mahoney informed residents that the council is not making the decision, the council have to follow the law.
d. Cllrs failed to agree to allow the Clerk to undertake this task, despite being reminded by the Clerk that the council have already budgeted the hours to complete this task during the next financial year. Cllr Mahoney will contact LALC and the ICO to ask for advice.
18. To receive an update on the Archive Boxes.
a. The Council is in the process of returning Planning Documents to the relevant householders which will be shredded if they are not required as per EKPC Retention Policy.
b. A resident, on behalf of The Keals’ Local History Group, raised concerns at the destruction of historical records and insisted there were photos and records of footpaths
in the council’s possession.
c. Cllr Mahoney assured the resident that as far as the council had been informed the they were adhering to policy and were only in possession of two Archive Boxes
containing planning documents.
19. To receive an update on the Time Capsule and agree further actions.
a. Cllr Thornley updated Cllrs that she had approached village groups who were enthusiastic; the Clerk asked to receive this information to circulate to all residents.
b. Cllr Stickland suggested how a local Scout group could contribute.
c. Cllr Mahoney asked for prices and the size of the time capsule; Cllr Thornley agreed to present this information at the next meeting.
20. To receive an update on the D-Day 80 Celebrations and agree further actions.
a. Cllr Mahoney suggested that it was larger parishes organising events.
b. A member of East Keal Gardening Club informed the council that their organisation for a celebration was well under way with participation from other local groups.
21. To note Planning Applications.
No applications to note.
22. To receive an update on the situation with HMRC.
The Clerk has sent a letter to HMRC following up on the refund of the late filing penalty.
23. To receive an update on the Internal Audit.
a. The Internal Audit has been completed and a report will be sent to the Clerk in the next week which will be forwarded to Cllrs and any necessary actions taken.
b. A resident expressed concerns regarding the Internal Audit and was assured by Cllr Mahoney that the council will not be breaking any rules and regulations.
24. To receive the Clerk’s passwords for secure storage.
a. The Clerk placed the passwords in the envelope and sealed it in front of full council. The envelope was signed by Cllr Mahoney and Cllr Goddard.
b. The envelope was handed to the Chair for secure storage and the Clerk reminded Cllrs that this envelope could only be opened in front of two Cllrs and all passwords would then require resetting.
25. Finance, administration of accounts and to approve payment of accounts:
a. To receive updates regarding Lloyds Bank Account and approve new signatory.
i. Cllr Mahoney ran through the accounts and asked if Cllrs had any queries; there were none.
ii. Cllrs discussed the need for a signatory due to a Cllrs resignation. Cllr Thornley offered. All Cllrs agreed.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Goddard.
b. To receive updates regarding Santander Bank Account and approve new signatory.
i. Cllr Mahoney asked if Cllrs had any queries; there were no queries.
ii. Cllr Thornley was agreed as a signatory due to a Cllrs resignation.
Proposed: Cllr Mahoney. Seconded: Cllr Goddard.
c. To discuss the closure of the Santander Bank Account and opening of a Lloyds Savings Account for the council’s reserves.
i. The Clerk provided Cllrs with details of an equivalent savings account with Lloyds. Cllrs discussed and agreed it would be time efficient and practical to have both accounts
with the same bank.
Proposed: Cllr Goddard. Seconded: Cllr Stickland.
Cllr Pearson left the room.
d. To reconcile payment of Clerks salary.
i. The Clerk presented the payslip for January and Cheque number 601.
ii. The Clerk presented the payslip for February and Cheque number 602.
e. To discuss and approve payment of Clerk’s Timesheets.
i. The Clerk had presented Cllrs with timesheets prior to the meeting detailing all hours worked since employment began as requested at the HR meeting in November.
ii. Cllr Mahoney stated that in her opinion she could not agree to payment of overtime without being provided with further information, Cllr Thornley and Cllr Stickland agreed.
iii. The Clerk asked what further information Cllrs require.
iv. Cllr Mahoney and Cllr Thornley asked for a copy of the Clerk’s contract. The Clerk said the contract was with the HR Committee and would be happy to send it round to all Cllrs,
but queried why this had not been requested before the meeting.
v. Cllr Mahoney stated that this was not a refusal to pay but that further information was required and suggested a HR meeting and present back to council at the May meeting. vi. The
Clerk expressed concern over the delay in payment and it bringing the Clerk’s wage below the legal minimum.
vii. A resident said that it was a waste of money having to pay to train a Clerk. Another resident stated that the previous Clerk volunteered time.
viii. Cllr Mahoney stated that it was not expected for an employee to work for free and the Council are bound by employment law and must treat employees fairly. There is now a new
HR Committee who can meet, discuss and make recommendations and the HR Committee should be fit for purpose so Cllrs are fit for purpose.
ix. Cllr Thornley stated there were no funds to pay such overtime and questioned the Clerk agreeing to a contract of 2.5 hours. The Clerk said this had been agreed but it very
quickly became apparent that the contracted hours were not sufficient to do the job, which has been raised with council numerous times.
x. The Clerk stated that there are a minimum number of hours required to do the job and if the council cannot pay this then there couldn’t be a functioning clerk or council. Cllr Thornley
asked the clerk why she had accepted the job knowing what the terms and conditions of the job were, and that due to the current financial position, perhaps she should reconsider the
xi. The Clerk informed the council that she could no longer remain at the meeting and informed Cllr Mahoney of what Cllrs could discuss and what decisions could be made in the absence of the Clerk.
xii. Cllr Mahoney then closed the meeting at 20.47
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the departure of the Clerk, agenda items 25 f, g, h, I, j, k, 26, 27 and 28 were not discussed. It was agreed by councillors that these would be forwarded to the next meeting agenda.