Minutes of Meeting 11.07.2024


1. Present
Cllr Mahoney, Cllr Thornley, Cllr Pearson, Cllr Goddard, Cllr Stickland, Cllr Cooper & 2members of the public. Cllr Mahoney was acting Clerk in order to take the minutes, Cllr Thornley was acting Chair.


1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Wrisdale gave his apologies due to family holiday. This was agreed by all councillors.


2. Declaration of Interest (if any)
There were no declarations of interest.


3. Approving the minutes (including signing) of a meeting held on 15/05/2024
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by all councillors and a copy signed by the Chair Cllr Mahoney.


4. Councillors to formally sign minutes of the previous meetings.
Cllr Mahoney signed the minutes of the meetings held on 25/04/2024. Copy signed.


5. Update from Delegated Groups

a. HR Committee

The HR Committee (Cllr Mahoney, Cllr Thornley provided the following update: 

2 x candidates had applied for the position of clerk. Based on a review of the candidates CV’s an interview was arranged for Pauline Sarah Murray. The interview took place on 05/07/2024. The interview went very well. The candidate has many years of accounting experience, having previously worked in the finance department at ELDC. The candidate is also clerk to two other parish councils (Addlethorpe and Saltfleetby). The candidate was able to answer all questions competently. Based on the outcome of the interview the HR Committee propose to the Council that the candidate be offered the job. 

Proposed: D Cooper    Seconded: A Goddard


b. Update in regard to Village Volunteers 

Although not work coordinated through the Village Volunteers, maintenance and restorative work has recently been completed by the following residents: Mr & Mrs Kenyon, Mr Atkin, Mr Thornley and Cllr Thornley, the Chapman family. The council would like to thank these residents for their time and effort. The village and the Memorial look very tidy. 

Cllr Mahoney has advised that once the new Clerk has started and the handover complete, she will gladly take over the management of the Village Volunteers and set up a dedicated Working Group. 

Cllr Stickland advised that he would like to be involved from a ‘doing’ perspective. 

We need to remind residents that there is a need for volunteers to sign up to the Village Volunteers so that insurance and risk assessments are carried out.


c. Update by the Highways Working Group
Cllr Pearson provided the following update:

i) Church Lane – The repairs to the leak have now been completed. 

ii) G Pearson advised that he now has a new contact email to send photos to help fast track updates.

iii) No further reported issues however there are a few blocked drains (between Glengarry and Broomhill. Cllr Goddard continues to follow up. Anglian Water and Highways are both aware

iv) There is a potential issue down School Lane, Mr Butler will be resurfacing the road as per the requirements of planning. Cllr Goddard advised that if the surface is not permeable, it could create flooding issues further down School Lane. It was agreed by all Cllr’s that once the new Clerk starts, a request should be sent to the planning officer to find out if more information can be obtained. 


d. Update on the Time Capsule

Anne-Mhairi Simpson kindly offered to create an information leaflet advertising the Time Capsule, a copy of which Cllr Thornley brought to the meeting. This was to facilitate opportunities for Councillors to view, comment/contribute. Nothing noted from those present. 

Cllr Mahoney subsequently agreed to print said leaflet and make available for delivery. 

 As leaflet states, event to begin at 12: pot luck picnic followed by burial of Time Capsule.


6. Discuss and agree the plan for Remembrance Service (Sunday 10th November)

Councillor Cooper advised that due to the departure of David Rossdale, there is no fixed person responsible for services at St Helen’s Church. Councillor Cooper suggested contacting Geoff Boxer (former methodist priest) to find out if he would be willing to take the service. Cllr Mahoney to purchase the wreath from the British Legion, value up to £30. Cllr Cooper agreed to read the names of the fallen. 

Proposer: Cllr Thornley     Seconded:  Cllr Cooper

update to be provided at the next meeting


7. Update on Village Assets (including the War Memorial)
i)  Cllr Thornley has been heavily involved in the improvements at the Memorial. The overgrown brush to the rear of the site has been completely cleared. The area is to be levelled as far as possible and then turfed over to make it easier to maintain. There have already been positive comments received from residents. The work will be completed in preparation of the burying of the Time Capsule planned for the 24th August. 

ii)  G Pearson advised that the Bin on the main road opposite Fairview will be replaced.

iii)  Cllr Thornley asked if any councillor was aware of keys securing benches in the village.  G Pearson advised that there were no keys that he was aware of. Cllr Mahoney will find out if any previous councillors or the previous clerk are aware of any keys. 

iv)  All benches will need to be checked and where necessary painted to ensure they remain in good conditions. The same applies to the legs of the noticeboard and the village sign. Cllr Mahoney and Cllr Thornley have offered to carry out the verification and update the council at the next meeting in regard to work required. 

v)  Solar powered speed sign – Cllr Stickland proposed to find out if it is possible to try and self diagnose it to find out if it is possible to determine the fault. Cllr Goddard to create a Risk Assessment


8. Reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a. County Councillor
There were no updates from Cllr Gray

b. District Councillor
Cllr Taylor was unable to attend the meeting due to other commitments however he advised that all updates had been communicated to the Council via email.



9. Signing of the current Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations
All councillors had read and agreed to the current documents, however Cllr Pearson advised that the Code of Conduct had been updated by NALC and therefore required further scrutiny, to ensure they remain relevant and up to date. It was agreed by all councillors that this agenda item would be forwarded to the next meeting to allow councillors and the new clerk the opportunity to review the documents. 


10. Welcome Booklet – revised version to be formally accepted

The Welcome Booklet has been under review for the past 3 weeks by councillors. After several updates Cllr Goddard feels there is more to be added. Cllr Goddard to send proposed updates to Cllr Mahoney for including in the booklet. Cllr Mahoney to put the booklet on hold and pass it over to the new clerk to make the suggested changes and re-issue to Cllrs for further review.

11. Planning

Cllr Mahoney checked the ELDC website on 8thth July, there are no new applications, or new amendments to existing applications. 


12. GDPR Forms for Councillors and Residents

Cllr Mahoney advised that in sending out communications to residents via email, there are names included that should be removed (deceased, left the village). Cllr Mahoney suggested emailing the form to existing email addresses and to also send a copy of the form to households. 


13. Financial Update:

a. An update on payments made since the previous meeting
Payment made since the previous meeting. Cheque 000611/613 £20 ea for the Village Hall, Cheque 000612 £4.50 for P Staves PAT Testing. All cheques were signed by Cllr Goddard and Cllr Pearson. 

b. Chairs expenses (postage) to be agreed
In the absence of a Clerk the Chair has sent two letters. Cheque to ELDC for the repayment of election costs. Sent recorded delivery due to the value of the cheque. Cheques sent to
P Staves for payment of PAT Testing Services. A total of £4.50. All invoices and receipts have been initialled and are available. 

c. Completion of Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2024/2025.
Due to extenuating circumstances (no Clerk and a new Chair and the delay from LALC in producing the Interim Independent Audit due to illness of their Auditor) in order to complete the AGAR in this meeting Cllrs agreed to waive their right to review the draft AGAR as per the standing orders point 14. The AGAR has been completed by Cllr Mahoney. All data is available and will be advertised on the website and the Village Green Noticeboard. Details of Income, Expenditure and The Bank Reconciliation were circulated to Cllrs for review at the meeting. The AGAR has been accepted and approved for signing. It will be sent to the auditors (PKF Littlejohn) on the 12th July. 

d. Bank Reconciliation Statement and Financial Report as at 30/06/2024

Lloyds statement dated 28/06/2024 balance £11,240.98. Santander statement dated 07/06/2024 balance £2099.94. Cheque 613 signed during the meeting for the hire of the hall. 

e.Update from appointed auditor (LALC) of half year financial inspection
Mr Steven Fletcher visited Cllr Mahoney in the morning of 11/07/2024 and completed and signed the required page of the AGAR. The final report has been requested and will be forwarded to all Cllrs once received. A follow-up audit will be arranged for November/December to review progress on issues raised in the initial report


14. Dates of future Council meetings:  Thursday 12th September, Wednesday 20th November, Thursday 9th January, Thursday 6th March. The format of the meeting has been amended to reflect the addition of a refreshments reception from 6:30pm – 7pm with the prompt starting of the meeting at 7pm. Cllr Mahoney will check with the new clerk to ensure that this format is reflected in the Standing Orders.


15. AGAR – is an extraordinary meeting required

This is dealt with at 13 c) above


16. Correspondence and Feedback

Mr Smith, on behalf of the History Club has requested an update in regard to the council archives boxes. Cllr Pearson reminded EKPC that in previous email correspondence on the matter, Mr Smith clearly stated that EKPC was in breach of a Contract signed by a Councillor when the documents were handed by Mr Smith to the EPKC and that the History Group may take legal action against EKPC and individual Councillors.  Cllr Pearson requested that the Chair and the new Clerk write to Mr Smith and return his email and request a copy of the Contract as it has not previously been seen by EKPC.  Upon receipt of the copy of the Contract then EKPC to discuss its options further.


17. Any other matters for discussion only or next Agenda

a. Clllr Thornley proposed that the Council consider purchasing a flagpole. Cllr Thornley has done some investigation in regard to pricing and it could be purchased within the current budget. Cllr Pearson will look into the safety aspects and whether ELDC / Highways need to be involved giving permission for the installation (safety aspects will need to be dealt by someone doing a risk assessment for the installation itself and the day to day use of the flagpole). Cllr Mahoney suggested approaching the residents of the Saracen’s Head as they have a flagpole which they may be willing to donate.

b. Cllr Goddard wanted to highlight his concerns about the state of the property Glengarry on School Lane. The property is Grade II listed and has fallen into a desperate state of disrepair. Cllr Goddard has agreed to try and find out from ELDC if there is anything that can be issued to the owners.